You are currently viewing TIPS FOR CRUISES

Tips for Cruises

Remember that cruises offer a unique travel experience, so make the most of it and have a fantastic time!

Plan Ahead

Research your cruise destination and the cruise line you'll be traveling with. Read reviews, check for special offers, and plan your itinerary.

Pack Smart

Cruise cabins aren't usually very spacious, so pack efficiently. Don't forget essentials like sunscreen, swimsuits, and formal attire for special dinners.

Travel Insurance

Consider purchasing travel insurance, especially if you're traveling to international destinations. It can be a lifesaver in emergencies.

Stay Hydrated

With the sun and sea breeze, it's easy to get dehydrated. Drink plenty of water and avoid excessive alcohol consumption.

Enjoy the Ship

Cruises offer numerous activities, from shows to fitness classes. Take advantage of what the ship has to offer; you're not just there for the ports of call.

Motion Sickness

If you're prone to seasickness, consider bringing medication or wristbands. There are also patches available by prescription.


Research shore excursions and book them in advance if possible. This ensures you get to do the activities you're interested in.


Set a daily spending limit and stick to it. It's easy to overspend on a cruise with all the onboard activities and shopping.

Stay Healthy

Wash your hands regularly, use hand sanitizer, and be cautious with buffets. Cruise ships have a lot of people in close quarters, and illnesses can spread quickly.

Arrive Early

When embarking, try to arrive at the port city a day early. Delays can happen, and this reduces the stress of rushing to catch the ship.
